Becoming a football coach is one of the most common childhood dreams. As the years go by and with some good football training, that fantasy can become a genuine employment opportunity.

Would you like to work as a football coach for a team? Keep reading and we will answer all your questions.

In this article, we are going to explain how to become a football coach, what the requirements are and what qualifications can be used to demonstrate your training as a professional coach.

What do I need to become a coach?

Laureano Ruiz (one of the top experts in the football world) says that 70-80% of the young people who play football could become professionals if they meet these three conditions:

a) Be in a condition to practice this sport.
b) Be extremely hard-working.
c) Have a good teacher: a good football coach.

For these three reasons, ensuring the future quality of football needs good coaches to be trained and for them to become a fundamental figure in player development.

A football coach should meet the following requirements:

• Have played football (not necessarily as a professional) in order to have knowledge of the game and make better decisions during the game.
• Be a good educator; it is not enough to simply have the necessary technical-tactical skills.
• Be enthusiastic, a good motivator and convey a very positive attitude.
• Not be obsessed with winning at any cost. They must instil in the player that victory and defeat form part of the game.
• Know about the characteristics of each age group: they should be able to structure training sessions, content and methods based on the age of the children.
• Know how to decide what the player is best at and in which position to play them.
• Know how to identify player flaws and be able to correct them with good training.
• Be able to monitor a match and take corrective measures quickly to harness team potential (.) (switch players, change formation, vary the game plan, etc.).

If you meet these requirements… Keep reading! You could be a great football coach.

How to become a football coach?

At H8S World, the division of H8S Fútbol responsible for creating specialised programmes both nationally and internationally, we promote and encourage the training of football coaches.

Football should have properly skilled professionals both on and off the pitch. As professionals, we should protect our footballers from exposure to coaches who lack the proper training as this could have a negative effect on their physical, psychological and technical development.

At the H8S World football academy, you can study the football coaching course that best meets your needs. Our fully customised programmes offer everything from basic football coaching courses to football coaching courses aimed at updating and specialisation. They are aimed at all those footballers who wish to become football coaches or those wishing to maintain and improve their technical preparation through professional training.

What about you? Are you looking for a football coaching course with a guarantee of success? Check out our courses and start building your football future!

Get in touch now and we will tell you about our football coaching programmes, no obligation.

You’ve no doubt heard a great deal about invisible coaching in sport. If you’re still unclear about this concept and its importance, this article will explain what invisible coaching in football is exactly and why it is so important to know about it.

What is invisible coaching?

This terms is what differentiates good athletes from the best. When people talk about invisible coaching in football, they are referring to everything an athlete does away from the training ground and that might have an unconscious impact on their actual training.

They are characteristics and habits that need to be taught and studied in order to improve performance in sport, recovery and motivation. Therefore, it should be realised (,) that invisible coaching must be an integral part of the physical training undertaken by players.

How to improve in football through invisible coaching?

We are going to highlight the four key factors that should be considered in the invisible coaching of a football player: coaching that takes place 24/7.

1. Diet

It is important to maintain the correct dietary habits in order to ingest the essential nutrients that a footballer needs:
a) Proteins to help build and recover muscle tissue and prevent muscle degeneration.
b) Fats to maintain energy reserves in the body and not lose performance.
c) Carbohydrates to provide the body with the energy it needs during physical exercise.

It is also very important to keep the body hydrated with water, vitamins and minerals, which help regulate the body’s physiological processes. Improper hydration can be the main cause of poor performance in sport. This is why we should stay hydrated both during sport activity and during after-sport training.

What should you eat?

50% of what an athlete eats should be carbohydrates. The other 50%
should consist of fats and proteins. Even so, it should not be forgotten that
each body has a different metabolism and that’s why nutrition experts
can recommend a healthy balanced diet that meets the needs of
each footballer. It should not be forgotten that an imbalanced diet can
lead to serious illness.

2. Rest

Resting a footballer is just as important as training. It forms part of the player’s recovery process and ensures the body can perform to its full potential when playing football.

You need to be able to distinguish the three stages of rest in a player:
1. While training. Physical exhaustion takes place while training that must be compensated with proper recovery. The coach is responsible for correctly providing breaks during training so the body can recover after effort in order to avoid muscle degradation and fatigue.
2. Sleep. When we sleep, our metabolism is able to regenerate cells by eliminating waste. It is recommended to sleep between seven and nine hours a day, going to bed and getting up at the same times.
3. Personal rest. It is also important for players to have their own free time for personal rest and relaxation.

3. Hygiene

A football player or athlete should maintain good personal hygiene. Otherwise, this could damage performance or impact the player. For this reason, the H8S Fútbol academies and camps help establish routine schedules and healthy habits among players:

⁃ Body care: showering after each training session with neutral soaps and drying off properly afterwards, as well as looking after feet (nails and calluses).
⁃ Oral care: it is important to brush your teeth properly and go for regular dental checks in order to maintain good dental health. An oral infection can lead to muscle problems and reduce defences in a player.
⁃ Sports equipment: the sports equipment should be in optimal condition for practice. For example, avoid damaged laces, keep training kits clean, maintain protective clothing in good condition, etc.

4. Recover methods

Various stimulating factors should be considered to ensure player recovery, such as:

– A good training programme
– Active rest (i.e. don’t finish the training session suddenly)
– Respect the passive rest periods while training (don’t do anything else)
– Good diet
– Active and passive stretching
– Professional care (massage, hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, electrotherapy)

Many people will think that invisible coaching is only for élite athletes, but we at H8S Fútbol believe that every one of our players should act like a genuine professional.

At the H8S football academy and H8S camp, we train our players using the H8S Fútbol method and educate them to pick up these essential habits to improve footballing performance.

Come and discover the H8S football academies!

IMPORTANT: Whenever a player is injured, you should always consult a medical professional for correct diagnosis of the injury and recommend the most suitable treatment for recovery. Poor recovery can leave the player affected forever.

25% of athletes experience some sort of injury once a year. If, as a football coach, you want to warn your players or, as a player, you have suffered an injury while training or during a match, this article will help you identify the most common injuries that might affect a player.

Football injuries that mainly affect muscle tissue (,) are the most common in football. It should be realised that injuries are often influenced by bad habits in player routine.

What are the most common football injuries?

The most common football injuries are called “STRAINS”: tears / breaks, distension / elongation or pulled muscles.

These injuries cause damage to part of the muscle-tendon unit (muscle, tendon or joint / insertion) due to overuse (chronic strain) or excessive tension (acute strain).

How are muscle injuries classified?

Muscle injuries can be classified according to their severity: slight (1st degree), moderate (2nd degree) and severe (3rd degree) or according to the type of muscle injury.

Types of muscle injuries

There are two types of “strain” injuries:

1) Chronic “strain”: this is an injury that causes muscle fatigue and consequently muscle spasm due to shortage in blood supply to the muscle (ischaemia).

2) Acute “strain”: this is an injury resulting from violent force applied to the muscle. In this case, there are various types based on the amount of muscle fibres involved:

• Pulled muscle or fibrillar rupture or distension: this is the most common cause of an acute “strain”. The injury is caused by the rupture of certain microfibres following violent stretching of muscle fibres.

• Partial ruptures or tears: the injury is caused by various broken fibres.

• Total ruptures: the injury is caused by a complete muscle break. This type of injury is caused by internal trauma associated with a strong external impact.

How to prevent football injuries?

To know how to prevent injuries (,) we recommend that you read our article on invisible coaching in football. When an injury occurs, the best and most professional thing to do is consult a medical professional.

At H8S Fútbol, we strive to teach our players the best footballing habits to prevent injury while training and during a match.